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Repost Monday: IoT crash course

Xi IoT

In the repost monday series we republish content which we already published once before, this weeks focus is an IoT crash course. This is original content produced by our team which appeared on other websites or media such as Youtube or Twitch. Or in some exceptions such as today, a repost of content published by one of our international co-workers. This is repeated every Monday in order for you to be able to start the work week with a nice cup of coffee combined with a dose of Nutanix information. Two lumps and a dash of Nutanix please.

Today we’re reposting content from our Solution Architect IoT, Emil Nilsson. Emil provides an IoT crash course in this repost Monday. In just 15 minutes he walks us through the basic concepts of IoT. With a focus on the intelligent edge. Doing a demo he then shows us how to use the technique to compare bananas with oranges. I guess he ran out of apples. Enjoy!
15 minute IoT crash course including demo

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