Image Copy And Clone Service for Nutanix. Use at your own risk 🙂
Blueprint based image copy service for Nutanix AHV.
– Copies Images or Single Disk VMs.
– Different Source and Target clusters or the same.
– Move Image between datastores.
– Overwrite target image.
– Source and Target image names.
– Uses a jump VM in the context of Hoster.
– Builds array of variables
– Validates Target image precense and overwrite settings
– Validates Free space percentage on hoster and target PE.
– Validates if previous executions are left abandoned.
– Validates if source exists.
– Able to run directly from PS with hashed PW config files.
– Able to run as CALM Service. (default)
– Checks if source is VM if VM is powered off.
– Creates new disk 2.5 times the source size
– Copies raw file from source to new volume. (winscp DotNet)
– Converts the disk to thin qcow2 (qemu-img)
– Uploads the file to the target cluster (IIS)
– Cleans its process, cleans the disk
– Calm or higher
– Enough space
– Read the calm variable descriptions
- Import the BluePrint and set the credentials as per your choosing.
- Import the blueprint using: - Set the IP Address, choose any free IP
- Set the credentials of your choosing for the BP
- Set the defaults for the application
- Set the correct nic settings

2. Launch the install of the blueprint

3. Use the app on the manage tab.
1. Enter the variables as prompted.
2. Choose the source / target / hoster containers / passwords etc.
3. Best is to pre populate them in the blueprint
4. Read the output steps (Logging is posted 3x)
Image exists:

Image Overwrite

VM Copy